tied to the ceiling with fishing string to prevent kitty accidents
no tree skirt to prevent doggie accidents
it's the price you have to pay!
it is decorated with painted tin ornaments
and poinsettias which are native to Mexico
she added the angel cards for the needy children she
bought presents for during Angel tree time
The BEST thing about our tree is that we have a Santa ornament with a picture on it of every Christmas of Anna and Katie's life (thank you Momma Rita) and one of Jia every year since she has come home.
My lights have to be clear=stars, but I have some renegades around here that have put a colored light tree in the other room while I was napping, haven't seen it yet.
It was a nippy 36 degrees here today, so the girls and I took a day off, too cold to go outside!
Funny Jia story: presents have been accumulating, and little Jia's wheels have been turning, so she is getting suspicious about Santa. I have the perfect story for all of you Mom's out there: " Jia, Santa has so many presents and Mommy has some extra time so he drops some off for me to wrap." My story (lie?) worked perfectly today when there was a sharp knock on the door and the UPS man dropped and ran. Anna opened the door and brought in a box. I said Jia, That was Santa Claus! Did you see him? no, "oh, wow, I guess he ran away because he thought you were in school and since you were home he didn't want you to see him!" She bought it hook, line and sinker....I have a little gnawing part of me that feels guilty for promoting this Santa stuff, but I can get over that.
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