Thursday, February 28, 2013

Home on the Range!

My baby girl Anna is coming home tomorrow for Spring Break!!! I am going up to Orlando tomorrow to drive back with her.  Okay, I'm crazy, but we all knew that.  My anxiety level is about a 9, but I worry about her doing that drive by herself.  I am so happy she is coming home.  She has a bunch of ideas:  the very next day we are getting our hair cut (yes, the blue hair too) then Anna is going back to high school to help with a seriously flawed yearbook (the seniors probably won't get their books until after the graduate, a HUGE no-no) Then Anna and her high school friends are going to make a trip to South Beach, not as close as you would imagine, and not nearly as glamorous either.

We are just going to have fun having her at home.  I miss her so much! The weird think is that Anna's. Katies' and Jia's breaks are all at different times. The "big" girls are done at the end of April, thats not too long to wait is it?

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