Monday, April 30, 2012


Katie, Drew and Jia traveled back to Stetson for Hatter Saturday.  This was their day:
-speech from Dr. Libby, the President of Stetson
-parents went to a seminar entitled "The Benefits of Liberal Learning.
-Students packed 26,000 lunches-13,000 for those in Volusia County (this is were Stetson is, and there is  a lot of migrant workers.  The other 13,000 went to Honduras.  They did this in an hour and a half!
-Students were split up into their colleges and the parents with with then.  Katie is in the Discovery college, as she has not chosen a major yet.  They explained the Discovery program to the students.
-Katie got her ID badge and talked to the head of Residence Life, this is where Katie not only talked about Bennyfoo but about her ROOMMATE!!!!! She was on the Stetson site online and met a girl who seemed to be a carbon copy of Katie (with the exception of liking sports) Her name is Courtney and they chat everyday.  Drew met her parents.  I am just so thrilled that shy Katie may have the opportunity to not only have Bennyfoo, but a roommate.  We were a little concerned that Katie might isolate herself in her room with Bennie, so Courtney is a real blessing.  They won't find out until July, but they have both put the paperwork in.

She came home happy, which I am so thankful for after last weekend.  Lets hope this works out for her.
(picture is of Jia and the Stetson Hatter)

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